About Me

Hi there, I’m Emily! Thanks so much for being here.

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Registered Drama Therapist, living and working in the Boston area. I divide my time between my clinical work, teaching therapists-in-training, and helping others improve their LGBTQIA+ competency.

I approach all of my work from a place of relationship, play, and unconditional positive regard. That means I’m on your team, believe you are doing the best you can, and am here to help you work through the hard parts. I will support you or your organization in reaching your full potential, and work with you to figure out what that looks like.

My queerness is an important part of both my personal and professional identity. Whether I am working with LGBTQIA+ folks or not, my knowledge of identity development, sexuality, the impact of existing outside of cultural norms informs all that I do.

I acknowledge the ways that risks of harm are increased for folks with intersecting marginalized identities and am committed to anti-racist, trauma-centered, accessible, and inclusive work.